The Story

Welcome to Wildflower…

Occupying the stunning rooftop space of COMO The Treasury, Wildflower serves lunch and dinner against a backdrop of sweeping views across the Swan River and city of Perth.

Our contemporary dishes revolve around the indigenous ethos of six seasons with farmer and forager-driven menus.

The History of Wildflower

All good chefs will tell you their menus are tied to the season, celebrating the best produce that’s ripe in the season.  Here at WILDFLOWER we work with the indigenous Six Seasons.

On a tour of Kings Park in 2015 before the opening of COMO The Treasury and WILDFLOWER, our management team were shared the knowledge of the six seasons by respected elder – Dr Richard Walley.  Richard, who has become a great friend of our family, enlightened us on a concept that many of us had not been exposed to.  He shared with us the knowledge that the Noongar people would walk the land and move the tribe from the coast up along the Swan River and to the Perth Hills as the seasons changed and therefore the produce available from the land changed.  People would eat only what the land could provide and as the temperatures changed throughout the year so did the availability of produce.

By utilising fresh seasonal produce from local farmers and producers, we can really showcase the best of each season and give guests to Wildflower a true West Australian dining experience.

Six Seasons

Native ingredients play an integral role in our story and menus.
Our produce and ingredients are sourced from suppliers with a respect for this land.

Sandalwood Nuts
santalum spicatum
chewy / nutty / roasted

Finger Lime
citrus australasica
citrus / sour / bright

Geraldton Wax
chamelaucium uncinatum
floral / citrus / fragrant

carpobrotus glaucescens
salty / juicy / succulent

acacia aneura
coffee / cacao nib / nutty

kunzea pomifera
apple / sour / crisp

Strawberry Gum
eucalyptus olida
floral / jammy / fragrant

Bush Tomato
solanum chippendalei
bitter / intense / floral

tecticornia lepidosperma
salty / juicy / succulent

platysace deflexa
juicy / crisp / eucalypt

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